how to align shapes in Visio?

In this article, we are going to learn alignment in Microsoft Visio. Mostly while working with the shapes in Visio then we have to add or sometimes we have to delete shapes then it's very difficult to adjust one by one shape in Visio.

With the help of the Alignment tool, we can adjust shapes automatically with proper alignment and spacing. Also after applying the alignment you can still change the order of the shapes if you want to adjust according to your own spacing as well.



Also, you can align text as well. The process of alignment is the same for the text box as well as for the shapes in Microsoft Visio.

To find out the alignment is to open Microsoft Visio then there is a home tab then in the home tab and there is Arrange Group in this group you will find out the Alignment.
Home Tab > Arrange Group > Align

For alignment you have to insert the shapes they could be three or more. If you have two shapes then alignment. The best thing for alignment is that you have greater than three shapes then you will apply the align then you will see that your shapes will align properly.

The first step is to insert the shapes they could be Basic Shapes or any other kind of shapes they could it depends upon which type of diagram you are working on in Microsoft Visio.

After inserting the basic shapes then you can see that they are not aligned and the space is not properly.

Then you have to select the all shapes then go to the Align.

As our shapes are in a horizontal direction then we are going to select Align Middle option then all shapes will be converted horizontally.

Not shapes are aligned horizontally. If you want to align with equal spacing then go to the Position then Distribute Horizontally then your shapes will be converted into equal spaces.

As we can see the shapes are aligned with equal spaces in Microsoft Visio. In this way, we align our shapes horizontally. If you have vertical objects then you can select align vertically.
