How to custom the layers in Visio?

In this article, we will discuss how we can create layers and discuss more settings related to the layers in Visio. Actually, layers are very important in Visio. Because we can hide layers and then show them again in Visio. Also, we can lock some layers and unlock them easily and instantly.

In the Home tab then in "Editing Group" we can see Layers.

When you will open the layer then it provides you with two different options.
  1. Assign to Layers
  2. Layers Properties

We will go with the "Layers Properties" in Visio. Then a new window will appear.

As we have already assigned connector into a layer and shapes & Text with another layer.
There is the following factor that is in the layer properties in Visio.
  1. Name: Name of the Layer
  2. Number: Number of elements in layers.
  3. Visible: If a check is on then our elements are visible in our drawing. If a check is not selected then our elements are not visible in the drawing.
  4. Print: Use for printing
  5. Active: Use for Active
  6. Lock: Use for lock our screen
  7. Snap: Use for snap
  8. Glue: Use for Glue
  9. Color: Use for Color
The most useful of the following are "Lock" and "Visible".

Lock: If our layer is lock then we can't edit it without checking as uncheck in "Layer Properties"

Visible: If we do not want to show the layer then if we will uncheck then our elements will disappear in the drawing. 

In this way, we can customize the layer in Visio. Layers are a very important factor in Visio because we can perform different functions with the help of layer properties.
