What is VSDX and VSD?

In this article, we will discuss vsdx. VSDX is the extension of Microsoft Visio from Microsoft Visio 2013 onwards. It was developed to replace the binary file format. and VSD is supported by earlier versions of Microsoft Visio.
In other, we can say that both VSDX and VSD are extensions of Microsoft Visio. VSDX is the latest extension of Visio and developers make the software more advance and easy for the user and introduce more functions in the software.
Sometimes, we face problems while opening the document in an earlier version and we receive an old version and the earlier version supports the file format of the old version. 
Now we will discuss how we can see the file format in our Visio document. We just go to the file then right-click on it then a menu will be open relative to the Visio file.

In the end, we can see the Properties will be available. Properties describe the detail of that the existing file.

Now, we have to select the Properties from the above list then a new window will be open.

Then we can see a new menu in this menu we can see the "Type of File".
Type of File: Microsoft Visio Drawing (.vsdx). This shows that our current file format if .vsdx and this file format is the latest file format. 
Similarly, we have the Visio version before 2013 then similarly, we can option its properties like the .vsdx. Then we will see the Microsoft Visio (.vsd).
Actually, extension represents the family of the software. When we see the extension we say that this file refers to the file of Microsoft Visio when we see .vsdx, .vsd, and vst.
In this way, we can see and analyze file format in Visio. The latest version of Microsoft Visio is Visio 2019.
