How to Customize Quick Access Toolbar in Visio?

 Customizing the "Quick Access Toolbar" in Microsoft Visio

Quickly access to Quick Access Toolbar is favourite action in Micorosft Visio. First of all, we have to be similar to Quick Access Toolbar then we will tell you about this handle toolbar in which we add some frequently useable commands like Save, Undo, and Redo. By default, it only contains a few standard options including Save, Undo, and Redo. Yet, it offers many other ways to save time working with your Microsoft Visio document.

By default, Microsoft Visio "Quick Access Toolbar" will find above Microsoft Visio Ribbon in the upper-left corner.

Also, we can place  Microsoft Visio "Quick Access Toolbar" below the  Microsoft Visio Ribbon in the upper-left corner.

In this article, we will share 3 different ways to customize the Microsoft Visio "Quick Access Toolbar".

  1. Adding & Removing Quick Access Toolbar by "Dropdown Menu"
  2. Managing commands from the Microsoft Visio "Ribbon"
  3. Lastly, By "File Menu"

1: Dropdown Menu

a. Click on the down arrow to the right of the "Quick Access Toolbar"

b. A shortlist of popular commands appears on the drop-down list. With the help of this "Quick Access Toolbar," we can manage options like Save, Undo, Redo and we can add more commands that are useful for our work. More commands New, Open, Quick Print, Spelling and Email.

c. Always we can quickly access this menu for adding and removing commands in the "Quick Access Toolbar,".

Note: Changes to our "Quick Access Toolbar" are not document-specific. They apply to the entire Microsoft Visio Customization and we will see our custom Quick Access Toolbar each time when we launch Microsoft Visio.

2: Ribbon Menu

a. To add a tool you want to include in Microsoft Visio "Quick Access Toolbar" from the Ribbon, locate the command that we want to include in the toolbar. For example, formating options like strikethrough, Show/Hide, and bullets. 

b. Right-click on the command that we want to include then 3 options menu will be open 

  • Add Group to Quick Access Toolbar
  • Customize the Ribbon
  • Collapse the Ribbon

As we are working with "Quick Access Toolbar" then we will select add Group to Quick Access Toolbar. To remove a command from the toolbar, right-click on the icon in the toolbar and select the option, Remove from Quick Access Toolbar.

If we want to remove any tool from "Quick Access Toolbar" then right-click on the tool that we want to remove then a many will be open then "Remove from Quick Access Toolbar

Note: We can place the Quick Access Toolbar above the Ribbon as below as the below the Ribbon in Microsoft Visio.

2: File Menu

a. Go to the File menu.

b. Go to the options after clicking on the file menu.

After clicking on the Options menu then a "Quick Access Toolbar"  will open as we can see.

c. As we can see a pop-up menu is open now we can see a title on this pop-up menu "Customize the Quick Access Toolbar" We can add Popular commands from the left-hand side to the right-hand side one after one. Select the command then on the centre we can see there is a button "Add" then press "Add" then that command will be added if we want to remove any command from the Quick Access toolbar then we will select the command from the right side then press "Remove" then that command will be removed from Quick Access Toolbar.
In this way, we can customize the Quick Access Toolbar according to our ease.
